Results: 2Comments by: darkone88
File: FauxMazzle11-24-14
It seems to be working now (knock o...
Posted By: darkone88
It seems to be working now (knock on wood) though now focus won't show, using /focus or right click focus. The Castle button says enabled for focus. BTW Thank you so much for bring this back. I used Mazzle back all the way in Burning Crusade and it was the first ui comp I used and i have missed it sorely
File: FauxMazzle11-24-14
Any time i try to change anything i...
Posted By: darkone88
Any time i try to change anything in DUF, target buff scale for example the target frame and the player frame disappear the only way i have been able to get them back is by /fm and clicking the fauxmazzle button but that just returns it back to the default.