Results: 3Comments by: Ithkul
File: Clique04-03-08
This is a must have for any serious...
Posted By: Ithkul
This is a must have for any serious healer. It works wonders with grid. Party, Raid, BG, even solo. I use it alot in AV. I've setup my gird to fade when raid members are outside 40 yards. So whenever i see an ally taking damage i just click his icon on the grid layout. No need to actually select the player or even see where he is...
File: Clique03-27-08
Re: Re: mouseover
Posted By: Ithkul
I like the added utility this mod provides. Just trying to make the game easier for me and my gf, playing the same char. Using this on my mousewheel atm; "#showtooltip /use 13 /use 14 /castsequence reset=target,4 Lifebloom, Rejuvenation /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()" Its a nice heal on hover mouseover. Great for WG when y...
File: Clique03-27-08
Posted By: Ithkul
Simple question does this work on mouseover click in the gameworld? 1.clicking on a target and then clicking on the unit frame for a spell cast 2.clicking on the target for a spell cast I'd prefer number 2 if possible.