Results: 3Comments by: Luvguf
File: LilSparky's Workshop06-28-09
Posted By: Luvguf
Is there a way to get the addon to show how many of an item are in the AH as of last scan? Would make it much easier to know which items are saturated in the market at that time. If not how hard would it be to add in something like that?
File: LightHeaded11-09-07
Re: Re: Problem with addon
Posted By: Luvguf
Originally posted by Cladhaire Umm.. that means you have no saved variables, which doesn't make any sense.. can you run /script LightHeadedDB = {} and reload ui? Found the problem. For some reason it does not work with the add on called Expressmail. So if anyone has that addon it won't work. Thanks
File: LightHeaded11-08-07
Problem with addon
Posted By: Luvguf
I just downloaded this and get the following error: Error: attempt to index field 'db' (a nil value) AddOn: LightHeaded File: LightHeaded.lua Line: 81 Running windows XP and downloaded version R169... All folders in there and all checked and yellow. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your great work.