Results: 3Comments by: Thyrgoroth
File: HealerButtons04-06-07
Gotta ask you something... There...
Posted By: Thyrgoroth
Gotta ask you something... There is this function that should 'unshapeshift' to cast a heal... It either doesn't work or I'm an idiot... I.E: I am resto druid and have ToL. I have 1LB Rejuv, 1RB Regrowth and 1MB Healing Touch If I understood this correctly, when I click my middle mouse button to cast HT, I should drop my ToL...
File: HealerButtons02-23-07
Odd, I can't drag =S Gotta reinstal...
Posted By: Thyrgoroth
Odd, I can't drag =S Gotta reinstall the addon I guess =/ Thanks =)
File: HealerButtons02-23-07
Been using this as a resto druid an...
Posted By: Thyrgoroth
Been using this as a resto druid and this addon is just great! Thanks! But one thing, though: I'm using X-Perl as well, and these buttons tend to show in the middle of the little 'target of target' panel and pet panel next to the party member (when in party). Seeing that those panels can't be moved, would it be possible to make...