Results: 4Comments by: shieldb
File: Cellular02-12-09
Is there a way that I'm missing in...
Posted By: shieldb
Is there a way that I'm missing in the options to adjust the frame strata on Cellular? I've got my UI set up such that when cellular is not minimized it will have other addons sitting on top of it. Additionally, is there any sort of mod/click option that will expand the window when clicking on tabs while minimized? It doesn't seem...
File: Automaton01-06-07
Any chance we could get blocking gu...
Posted By: shieldb
Any chance we could get blocking guild petitions in addition to guild invites? Additionally, having an option to block trades while at the bank, mailbox, or AH would be awesome - I don't want to block trades completely but I don't want people opening a trade window with me and having the interface automatically closing whatever it...
File: Drathal's HUD12-19-06
Any chance that in future releases...
Posted By: shieldb
Any chance that in future releases the zip file could be structured to be /DHUD and /DHUD_Options (Instead of /DHUD/DHUD and /DHUD/DHUD_Options)? Not too difficult to move everything back one folder level but also kind of a pain to have to remember to do that :)
File: Saeris's LootLink12-13-06
I moved over to your LootLink after...
Posted By: shieldb
I moved over to your LootLink after the patch so please forgive me if I'm getting my wires crossed. Couple of questions: I primarily use lootlink to be able to quickly drop item links into chat. The 'enable quick chatlink' option works great for the most part, with a few exceptions: Right now I can't seem to quick chat link mo...