Results: 2Comments by: Malolen
File: AuldLangSyne08-05-09
So yo fixed it yourself...
Posted By: Malolen
What fix are you talking about AnrDaemon? I've fixed it myself hours ago. Was extremely easy after actual reading of comments, instead of posting of duplicate bugreports in a hurry. I followed your earlyer link and all I found is some code. I am not a addon designer/programmer so I have no idea where to put that code. GetDif...
File: Cartographer: Quest Objectives07-11-07
Cart QOb shows "out of date"
Posted By: Malolen
Cartographer Quest Objectives shows "Out of Date" in charactor selection screen at the Add-ons list. Would you please update this fantastic add on. It worries me when my most useful add ons are our of date. Thanks Malolen