Results: 4Comments by: Spinecheck
File: modui08-30-19
I'm actively learning things as I g...
Posted By: Spinecheck
I'm actively learning things as I go here lol... Coming back and shaking my head at some of the comments I've made. Last thing, I promise. Not sure if this is meant to be or not, but the Shaman playerframe background is pink (paladin color) instead of blue. Paladin playerframe background is also pink. Cheers! this is fi...
File: modui08-29-19
I'm actively learning things as I g...
Posted By: Spinecheck
I'm actively learning things as I go here lol... Coming back and shaking my head at some of the comments I've made. Last thing, I promise. Not sure if this is meant to be or not, but the Shaman playerframe background is pink (paladin color) instead of blue. Paladin playerframe background is also pink. Cheers!
File: modui08-29-19
A couple things I've noticed
Posted By: Spinecheck
Sorry to keep coming up with stuff, but I played around with the files for hours trying to fix these things... Some I did, some I didnt. I'm not getting any of the Totem info on the nameplates and I'm also not getting a weapon aura frame when using Rockbiter etc... It's pretty much the last thing I've run into that I havent been able...
File: modui08-28-19
Perfect mod for me
Posted By: Spinecheck
I love the simplicity of it and the minimalist style makes it easy to integrate a couple more addons to make the perfect suite. Is there by chance a simple way to add in the status text to the target health/mana bar? Ive been digging around the unit.lua trying to see if I could find something but I honestly dont know wtf im doing lol...