Results: 5Comments by: loci
File: Altz UI03-12-21
WIM addon
Posted By: loci
The WIM addon doesn't work with altz ui enabled.
File: Altz UI03-28-19
Is it possible to sort the "healer"...
Posted By: loci
Is it possible to sort the "healer" raid frames by tank, healers, then dps? I know the "dps/tank" frames do this
File: Altz UI03-21-19 Any1 know h...
Posted By: loci Any1 know how to fix this I had that happen after this last big patch. I haven't seen it again after updating the AuroraClassic people have linked below. Not sure if that fixed it or if I've just been lucky. ye I was fully updated to fix it i had to merge Aurora with AuroraClassic...
File: Altz UI03-19-19 Any1 know h...
Posted By: loci Any1 know how to fix this
File: Altz UI10-07-18
Help with some settings plz
Posted By: loci
With the healer Raid Frames, How do you change the size of the debuffs in the frame currently for me they take up 2/3 of the box? Also, how do you make tanks be top left like the blizz ui? The names of the players in the frame box along with the icon for their role are really small, how do you increase that?