Results: 4Comments by: blitcz
File: Chronometer03-30-07
Druid suggestion: Lifebloom clarity
Posted By: blitcz
Druid issue and suggestion for improvement: Lifebloom stacks up to 3 times on single target, and druid healers often use that to have full stack of 3 Lifeblooms ticking on the tank at any time. At this moment, Chronometer only displays one bar for each Lifebloomed target, effectively overwriting earlier Lifeblooms on the same target...
File: Chronometer02-01-07
Re: 1 more vote for spell name
Posted By: blitcz
My sincere apology to the author. After RTFM I found " ** /chron bar text - Sets the text to be displayed on the bar. Use $s for spell name and $t for the target's name. "
File: Chronometer02-01-07
1 more vote for spell name
Posted By: blitcz
Originally posted by razoon ... it possible to show the spell-name in the bars? Like razoon, I would appreciate a hint as to how to display spell name in the bar. If not possible, please accept this as a feature request ;-) Thank you.
File: Cartographer01-06-07
Import = key
Posted By: blitcz
Originally posted by borgi Is really no one able to explain, how the cartographer_import is working? Signed. Kindly point me to any explanation how to import from Gatherer. Thank you.