Results: 4Comments by: Itzamana
File: Roth UI (Diablo) Galaxy's Revival11-05-16
sorry for that I didn't make it cle...
Posted By: Itzamana
sorry for that I didn't make it clear is there any way to change my buff icon's time format to MM:SS? Unfortunately, there is not. I will look into adding this option in a future update, however. OK~ anyway, thank you verymuch :D
File: Roth UI (Diablo) Galaxy's Revival11-04-16
happy to see updated and is there...
Posted By: Itzamana
happy to see updated and is there any way to change time format to MM:SS? For the chat frame? These are managed by the default Blizz UI. Esc Menu->Interface->Social->Chat Timestamps sorry for that I didn't make it clear is there any way to change my buff icon's time format to MM:SS?
File: Roth UI (Diablo) Galaxy's Revival11-03-16
happy to see updated and is there...
Posted By: Itzamana
happy to see updated and is there any way to change time format to MM:SS?
File: Roth UI (Diablo) Galaxy's Revival10-07-16
two questions about Roth_ShinyBuffs
Posted By: Itzamana
Awesome addon! My english is not good, so... I have two questions about Roth_ShinyBuffs, and ShinyBuffs's author is missed.. 1.I can't cancel buffs during combat... 2.How to change the Time Format to MM:SS? My OCD makes me mad :confused: and could you plz help me... Thank you again for revive this awesome addon!