Results: 3Comments by: Ibeth4
File: Altz UI12-02-17
Raid Frames
Posted By: Ibeth4
Is it possible to change the raid frames so it can be sorted by group? Like the blizz ui. btw, AMAZING ADDON, loading screen has improved dramatically for me, I was using ElvUi before.
File: SuperVillain UI08-31-16
Need Help
Posted By: Ibeth4
I've already asked this before but since I got no answer here it goes again. I've been having a problem since the new update its super minor, stupid even, but its so bothersome to me. On my main, whenever I get new loot it's pin put in the middle of the bag, instead of in the top, yet on an alt it does the opposite (which is what I...
File: SuperVillain UI08-08-16
Not a bug, but really bothering me
Posted By: Ibeth4
I don't know where else to ask this, so here it goes. I've been having a problem since the new update its super minor, stupid even, but its so bothersome to me. On my main, whenever I get new loot it is placed in the middle of the bag, instead of in the top, yet on an alt it does the opposite (which is what I want). check the pics:...