Results: 4Comments by: Jadle
File: JadleUI07-25-16
Re: Auto Quest addon..
Posted By: Jadle
A few things, I love the UI but I want to know how to turn off the Auto Quest accept/turn in. Also when the quest text shows up, its black on black for the options how do I change this Hello, Sorry for the very late reply, but I haven't played WoW for quite some time. Now, you can try to detect the AddOn which turns in quests...
File: JadleUI05-02-15
Tested it on my laptop, and everyth...
Posted By: Jadle
Tested it on my laptop, and everything worked fine. So I have no idea why it bugged out, haha. You're able to move to castbar by writing /quartz and find the "lock bar" button.
File: JadleUI04-07-15
That sounds really wierd. I'll do...
Posted By: Jadle
That sounds really wierd. I'll do some testing on a trial account on my laptop, and see if the same happens there. If anyone else have that issue, please tell me, so I can look into what's causing it.
File: JadleUI04-03-15
been using your UI for a few days n...
Posted By: Jadle
been using your UI for a few days now great had to do a bit of moving around cause i'm on 1920x1200 and works great. Thank you for sharing this with everyone great job Thank you!