Results: 5Comments by: mulle9000
File: Altz UI01-11-21
Incoming Heal and deathstrike heal
Posted By: mulle9000
Hey Is it possible to enable so i can see incoming heals? very usefull as a tank. and also a thin transperant line that shows how much a death strike would heal you. seen other UI's with it so just wanted to know if yours somehow supports it. thanks for this great UI
File: Altz UI11-09-19
Re: Re: Chat - missing
Posted By: mulle9000
Ever since the patch I've had issues related to the chat. There are two issues: 1) General and Trade channels don't appear in the chat tab. They're both ticked as enabled and thus should show. Whenever i post something in either channel it shows for me, but I cannot see what others post - which has the illusion of making trade or...
File: cargBags Nivaya08-26-17
Love the addon. although there is...
Posted By: mulle9000
Love the addon. although there is something wrong. all the items is only partial covered by a colored frame. What is really strange is that its not the same way on all items. on one item it can be only 2 sides which is colored, on the next it can be 3 sides. Tried re installing the addon. tried disable all other addons. nothing...
File: Altz UI08-13-17
Posted By: mulle9000
Hello Love the UI But u would like to make a few modfacitions. Hope you can help me out here. 1. How do i remove the red arrow over targets? 2. How do i unbind the Focus hotkey? i use my left mbutton to look around a lot, also while pressing shift. but i cant do that because the UI is trying to focus something that isnt there. 3...
File: LUI v221105-27-13
Ello. Ive just returned to wow a...
Posted By: mulle9000
Ello. Ive just returned to wow and was pleased to see that lui is still up and running. Though i have one problem i didnt encounter before. The frame around grid is missing? and the button is grayed out and i cant click it. It is a small thing but it matters for me and the only thing i can find on the subject goes back to 2010...