Results: 4Comments by: Hootnholler
File: SocialState12-31-10
Display/Sorting by Class Returning?
Posted By: Hootnholler
Will you be adding functionality for Class back into the addon soon?
File: hud06-12-09
Would it be possible to have the un...
Posted By: Hootnholler
Would it be possible to have the unclaimed HUD areas indicate the activation of a proc? This would be tailorable to the types of procs available to the character such as Clearcasting or Hot Streak for mages.
File: AutoBuff [Emerald]01-15-06
Question on activating "On Use" Weapon Buffs
Posted By: Hootnholler
Does the support for weapon "on use" buffs need to be activated in any particular manner? For example, does a player have to initialize the weapon buff the first time (e.g. the Headmaster's Charge intelligence buff) before the addon picks it up for continuous use? Would it be possible to have an option to either choose the 30-sec...
File: AutoBuff [Emerald]01-15-06
Support for Human Perception Racial Ability
Posted By: Hootnholler
Would you consider adding the human racial ability "Perception" to the addon? Thanks. Rembrandt - Blackhand