Results: 2Comments by: fizzybubbleh
File: Altz UI04-13-13
What I meant was the opposite - cha...
Posted By: fizzybubbleh
What I meant was the opposite - change ui color (panels, micro text, etc) without using ClassColors addon (since it also changes colors in nameplates etc, and after 8+ years in this game I got used to the old ones). I managed to get it to work, so if anyone hates having pink panels as a paladin, here's how to change them to red:...
File: Altz UI04-12-13
UI class color change
Posted By: fizzybubbleh
Is there a way to change the UI color display (eg color of micro fps/ms text, or panels on the bottom/top right/left) alone? I know that it can be done via ClassColors addon, but it also changes the class' color in everything else (eg nameplates or unit frames), which is not something I want.