Results: 3Comments by: a027059
File: Altz UI11-03-13
Currently having issues changing ta...
Posted By: a027059
Currently having issues changing talents. If I disable Altz UI, then I can log back in and change talents. If I re-enable Altz UI then I can no longer change talents. Is anyone else experiencing this?
File: oUF_Karma10-05-13
The Lock Burning Embers partially w...
Posted By: a027059
The Lock Burning Embers partially works. At least for me it does, in that it gives me 3 burning embers to track. But here's the kicker, I have 4 burning embers to keep track of. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Do I have to change a parameter or something? Otherwise, in the interim, I've been using Galvin's UnitBars and fashioning them to...
File: oUF_Karma10-03-13
Fix Burning Embers for Locks?
Posted By: a027059
Is there a way that you can get a Warlock's Burning Embers to work? Soul Shards are working just fine but not Burning Embers. I'm currently using Nug's Addon when in my Destro spec. But I prefer your indicators over the other AddOns. Your frames are absolutely amazing. Edit: Never mind. Just read your post where you are aware of t...