Results: 4Comments by: fredoi
File: Prestige Evolved UI (16:9)09-15-16
Posted By: fredoi
Hello First of all congratulations for this UI. I have a small problem I play druid and concerns come from the change of stanza the bar does not change according to this option. Possible would be it to have one help svp. (Sadden for my pathetic English.):)
File: GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler07-21-16
Hello Exists you it a version fr?...
Posted By: fredoi
Hello Exists you it a version fr? Disclaimer: I don't spoeak French Theorieically the mod will work but the sequences will need to be translated from English to Francais. eg: "Consecration" to "Consécration" I haqve had a couple of people ask about this and will see what I can come up with. I've added a ticket for this h...
File: GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler07-20-16
Hello Exists you it a version fr?
Posted By: fredoi
Hello Exists you it a version fr?
File: The Ultimate Shaman UI 5.0.5 - 1920 x 1080 [16:9-WIDE]08-01-09
Posted By: fredoi
Hi very beautiful interface Te there is possible to make the same interface for an interface 1650x1080?