Results: 2Comments by: Thorkinal
File: Altz UI02-11-19
is Creator active much....? no upda...
Posted By: Thorkinal
is Creator active much....? no update since Dec and no fixes yet. Anyone pick this up if Creator no longer active? if you have fallow comments here before, you may know Paopao became very busy almost a year. actually work all day. more then 12 hours, and now -- just now, she is sick. :( Thanks for the update but does this mean...
File: SyncUI07-30-18
Re: Re: Thanks For Update
Posted By: Thorkinal
Really appreciate your work on this bro. I realize that sometimes it can be a thankless job and some folk may feel like you owe it to them to perform the updates. You have a life outside of wow and coding this UI so just wanted to say thanks!