Results: 5Comments by: bsnorlax
File: SpartanUI02-14-11
i dont know if its ever been mentio...
Posted By: bsnorlax
i dont know if its ever been mentioned (too many comments). but sometimes when the target has too many buffs on him, your buffs that you have on him wont actually show. it seems there is a max amount of buffs that can be displayed
File: SpartanUI11-06-10
how do i get rid of this bar? and t...
Posted By: bsnorlax
how do i get rid of this bar? and thank you, creator
File: SpartanUI10-16-10
when im clicking on the party portr...
Posted By: bsnorlax
when im clicking on the party portraits, sometimes it just doesnt register. nothing will happen, it wont target the person. its like the portraits need to be clicked in specific areas, instead of anywhere on the portrait (like the health bar). is this fixable?
File: SpartanUI10-15-10
thank you; bartender was the proble...
Posted By: bsnorlax
thank you; bartender was the problem another bug. when im clicking on the party portraits, sometimes it just doesnt register. nothing will happen, it wont target the person. its like the portraits need to be clicked in specific areas, instead of anywhere on the portrait (like the health bar). is this fixable?
File: SpartanUI10-15-10
for some reason, i cant use the act...
Posted By: bsnorlax
for some reason, i cant use the action bars? im trying to put my spells in them but it wont let me. its all currently blank. but i was using xpearl before it, so theyre still key bound. ie, if i press 1 ill do a spell even though its not on my bars. how do i fix this? ive already completely got rid of xpearl