Results: 2Comments by: billkiller
File: Dominos11-17-10
bar 1 and 7 mirror
Posted By: billkiller
i coppied the profile from one toon to another and now bar 1 and 7 are mirrored. if i put something on one bar is shows up on both also if i delete something off one it deletes off both. I just dropped them on top of each other and dont seem to have a problem but I didnt see this reported anywhere.
File: Altoholic11-09-10
Datastore and Quest turn-in
Posted By: billkiller
Something in datastore is stopping the turn in of quests, i am using the addon for addon management and it may be conflicting, not sure. If I disable datastore I can then turn in the quest. Thanks for looking into this and I love the addon, saves me so much time and frustration.