Results: 2Comments by: Oxantor
File: MetaHud - Nuckin Branch08-23-09
Re: Re: you have my respect mate
Posted By: Oxantor
ah got it... is there any chance to see it applied or am i unpolite asking that? I also found some (other) addons that allows you to do that, built for metahud, but seems the developer aint decided to toss a refresh on it :( Originally posted by Nuckin The slice and dice buff is applied to you, so it should show up in the u...
File: MetaHud - Nuckin Branch08-22-09
you have my respect mate
Posted By: Oxantor
I find this addon really useful and well designed, but i have a problem, that i ignore if it is me that cant make up my mind. As a rogue, i cant see the buff i get for slice and dice and hunger for blood, by my side is the only thing missing, tho i can see enemies with others debuffs, such as rupture. Did i miss anything?