Results: 4Comments by: tarus
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)07-04-09
Your new layout seems to ruin my ga...
Posted By: tarus
Your new layout seems to ruin my game performance. Not that much, but i get less fps and a little more laggy now. Is the new layout supposed to need a better computer, cause I think I have a pretty good computer.
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)07-01-09
New Version?
Posted By: tarus
I looked at the new BG picture on the download page and it seems like you have a new version for upload. Is that correct? And if that is, is it to much to ask for some other versions, fitting more resolutions like 1280 x 800 for instance? hint hint. Cause I am using your UI and it's awesome, but I think everything is a bit small.
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)06-25-09
Gonna try it now, thanks. *EDIT*...
Posted By: tarus
Gonna try it now, thanks. *EDIT* So I actually made it work, tho I have some tiny problems. first problem, the minimap: It says, type /Pminimap, but I don't have that addon so I can't configure that point. Second problem, the scale: Everything is so small! how can I make everythings bigger? I tried to make the scale bigger, but...
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)06-24-09
Can't make it work
Posted By: tarus
Hey, I think this UI is awesome but I can't seem to get it working. I downloaded the file and exstracted it to the wow addon folder and it is there allright, but when I open the game, it doesn't seem to be there. I understand that I have done something wrong and I would be happy if anyone would help me. *EDIT* Actually, I have no...