Results: 3Comments by: dogtem
File: Natur Enemy Castbar05-11-09
Re: Re: Re: Re: WRT cooldown improvement code of latest build (vanish related)
Posted By: dogtem
Originally posted by Softrix Ive always loved coding, always nice to see the end result. Personally ive been coding since 12 years old back in the days of the ZX Spectrum :D. I then moved onto the Commodore 64, Amiga, and ofc the PC. My main languages are C/C++ using MFC, .NET etc. but ofc know other languages when doing conver...
File: Natur Enemy Castbar05-07-09
Re: Re: WRT cooldown improvement code of latest build (vanish related)
Posted By: dogtem
Originally posted by Softrix Thanks for bug detection and fix! :) Ive added the additional code in the next updated, and ofc credited you in the source. Thanks again, very much appriciated. Glad to be of help :) - been a long time since I've done any amount of code too, so while it was short and quick, it was quite differe...
File: Natur Enemy Castbar05-06-09
WRT cooldown improvement code of latest build (vanish related)
Posted By: dogtem
Hi, Firstly, let me say nice work - it's coming along quite well. Now, know that I have little experience with LUA, but I have a long history of C code. I also know little of the WoW API. But I noticed I get an error when I vanish (rogue obviously) wrt to cooldowns. The error is: Interface\AddOns\Natur\Groups\cooldowns.lua:8...