Results: 5Comments by: Xandokan
File: QuestClicks05-29-09
Hello. I see some other missing...
Posted By: Xandokan
Hello. I see some other missing translation in french. Here they are. = { "D\195\169poser un objet ici pour l'ajouter \195\160 la liste d'exclusion" }, = { "D\195\169poser un objet ici pour le supprimer de la liste d'exclusion" }, = { "Liste" }, = { "Effacer" }, = { "D\195\169poser un objet ici...
File: QuestClicks04-18-09
Tried this, works good, but each ti...
Posted By: Xandokan
Tried this, works good, but each time i loot any quest items, my WoW freezes for a short moment. I Agree. Now, the addon works (is loaded ^^). And, I notice some freeze too.
File: QuestClicks04-18-09
For infirmation, I'm playing just n...
Posted By: Xandokan
For infirmation, I'm playing just now and I find some others missing localizations :) Here are my personal localization (still in the "Localization.lua") = { "Alerte de lanceur de qu\195\170te" }, = { "Une fois coch\195\169e, montre un message d'alerte quand vous r\195\169cup\195\169rez un objet qui lance un...
File: QuestClicks04-18-09
Some missing localizations
Posted By: Xandokan
I think I have found what's wrong. Some localizations are missing. I found 2 : "Peacebloom" and "Quest Starters". I put this code : = { "Pacifique" }, = { "Lanceurs de qu\195\170te" }, in the "Localization.lua". And the addon finally seems to load correctly.
File: QuestClicks04-18-09
QuestClicks don't load
Posted By: Xandokan
Hello. I use french wow version. I have 2 errors when I use QuestClicks. Here is the error log. Date: 2009-04-18 11:19:09 ID: 2 Error occured in: Global Count: 2 Message: ..\AddOns\QuestClicks\Localization.lua line 522: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Debug: : ? QuestClicks\Localization.lua:522:...