Results: 7Comments by: shadowdemon69
File: Quick Auctions 304-17-09
Having trouble with post auctions....
Posted By: shadowdemon69
Having trouble with post auctions. It keeps bugging out and after I post auctions it sits at 0/0 and I have to relog in order to fix it. This only started happening after I updated it today.
File: Quick Auctions 304-10-09
Error with summary list. I had ctrl...
Posted By: shadowdemon69
Error with summary list. I had ctrl clicked twilight opal out of my gem list on accident. But I want to get it back. When I click on show hidden they don't come up or any of the other gems I had clicked off. Is this a known bug? I really don't want ot reinstall the whole thing but I might have to.
File: Quick Auctions 304-09-09
The whitelist function is not worki...
Posted By: shadowdemon69
The whitelist function is not working properly. I have added my friend to whitelist and he added me to whitelist but it still undercuts each other.
File: Quick Auctions 304-08-09
Help - How do I restore an item I c...
Posted By: shadowdemon69
Help - How do I restore an item I ctrl clicked out of the summary. I accidentally got rid of Twilight Opal from the list. When I click on show hidden it doesn't do anything.
File: Quick Auctions 304-07-09
This addon is the best ever. Thank...
Posted By: shadowdemon69
This addon is the best ever. Thank you so much for creating this. It has renewed my Glyphing industry. I stopped making glyphs because it was too much work to track down each price/make and sell them.
File: Quick Auctions 304-06-09
Well it must of been the fallback I...
Posted By: shadowdemon69
Well it must of been the fallback I changed fallback to 100g and it posted them all correctly. Is there a way to make it so it posts uncut uncommon gems. But doesn't post uncut rare gems?
File: Quick Auctions 304-06-09
Hi I just started using this and I...
Posted By: shadowdemon69
Hi I just started using this and I am currently having a problem. I post all my auctions for gems and most of them work correctly. But it posted Bold Scarlet Rubies and Glinting, Reckless monarch topaz's at 20g bid 20g buyout. There were already rubies/monarchs in the AH at much higher. It also posted other auctions like rigid autumn...