Results: 8Comments by: Caelpha
File: Bati's UI08-16-10
Yay! Crashes!
Posted By: Caelpha
Bati, I LOVE your UI. I've been using it for... months now. I'm still getting crashes all the time when I'm switching between characters. I get the "not enough memory" crash when switching between characters and closing out WoW. Sometimes I have no problems, and sometimes it goes haywire. I rarely run anything in the backgroun...
File: Bati's UI07-19-10
Key Bindings
Posted By: Caelpha
Is there a way, when you upload, that your key bindings aren't included in the upload. I love your UI, but it's a bit tedious to go through and have to reset all of them to default. Thanks!
File: Bati's UI04-14-10
Since you're asking for requests......
Posted By: Caelpha
Since you're asking for requests... I'd personally like to see mana bars in Grid... and I can't figure out how to make it do that ^_^ Also, if you're feeling creative, maybe add in a WIM/Celluar type component to handle whispers... I don't think that's in there already... but I could be crazy, I did just wake up. Either w...
File: Bati's UI04-03-10
This was happening to me with CastB...
Posted By: Caelpha
This was happening to me with CastBars, Sexy Cooldown, Recount, and maybe one or two others.. Copying the Bati3 profile to the default profile or the individual character profile seems to help. It takes about 2 minutes to do it for all of them, but it seems to make it stick. Originally posted by Ikaite Hey Bati, Im a feverent...
File: Bati's UI03-28-10
Never completely got the totem issu...
Posted By: Caelpha
Never completely got the totem issue fixed, but turning on Dominoes Totem Bars in the Addon screen helped a bit and at least gave me a place to stick them and I just assigned key bindings to them until I get call of the elements in a few levels. Otherwise, I'm finding that when I log out/log back in or even sometimes switch betwee...
File: Bati's UI03-27-10
Shaman Totems?
Posted By: Caelpha
I logged into my level 23 Shaman for the first time today to set up your UI on her. (Love it, by the way) However, the totem selector bar is nowhere to be found. When I go to configure Dominoes, there is no class bar anywhere on the screen (like there was for my druid, which I assume, this is a shaman's selectable totem bar)....
File: Cellular03-04-09
Re: Re: Sized too big, can't resize
Posted By: Caelpha
Originally posted by totalpackage Try this to reset your settings:/script CellularDB=nil ReloadUI() Thank you, it worked like a charm.
File: Cellular03-04-09
Sized too big, can't resize
Posted By: Caelpha
I had a mouse mishap and somehow I managed to size my Cellular Addon so it goes from the top to bottom of my screen... and I can't see my edit box or resize it via the bottom-right-corner. Is there another way to resize it? Or how can I get it to go back to normal size? I checked the menu, and all it said for resizing was using th...