Results: 4Comments by: Krittick
File: LUI v221111-27-09
Asking this for a third time as I h...
Posted By: Krittick
Asking this for a third time as I haven't seen a reply yet... Is there a way to make the chat kgpanel always visible no matter what?
File: LUI v221111-07-09
How can I get panels to always show...
Posted By: Krittick
How can I get panels to always show? If I want the chat kgpanel to always show no matter what, how?
File: LUI v221110-03-09
Originally posted by frozndevl Cl...
Posted By: Krittick
Originally posted by frozndevl Click on the big button on the top that slides out the options, click on Chat and it will always show. When I relog or reload my ui, it goes back to hidden until I click it again.
File: LUI v221110-03-09
Is there a way to set the chat kgpa...
Posted By: Krittick
Is there a way to set the chat kgpanel to always show?