Results: 3Comments by: Leadline
File: ZHunterMod07-16-08
Whenever you rez by going to your g...
Posted By: Leadline
Whenever you rez by going to your ghost and click the icon to revive pet, it calls the pet instead, even though it shows the revive pet icon. Right clicking and selecting revive pet works, however.
File: MetaHud07-14-08
Re: MetaHud Bug
Posted By: Leadline
It also seems to happen when your reach 100% from eating.
File: MetaHud07-14-08
MetaHud Bug
Posted By: Leadline
The "regeneration" state of MetaHud persists after you get to full health and mana after you rez from a spirit healer. From what I have tested this appears to be the only time this happens.