Results: 6Comments by: Lunos
File: TourGuide02-29-08
feature requests
Posted By: Lunos
This mod is awsome! I love it ^^ I'm already on writing my guide =D Here are some feature requests, which will enhance the mod a lot in my opinion: A new tag for the action N, which gives it a title inGame Make the tag also avaliable for the action K or let it autogenerate the titel out of the tag |Q|Quest Name| |QO|Some Mob s...
File: Checklist202-28-08
Re: Re: Screenies
Posted By: Lunos
The text on the left ("Toggle Checklist2 window") is what Checklist2 uses to access the translation, so this needs to stay in English. The translations go after the =, or where all the true's are in the English locale file. Other than that, it's awesome, thank you again. I'll fix it up and have it in Checklist by tomorrow :banana: I'...
File: Checklist202-27-08
Posted By: Lunos
Like I said, I'm using your mod mainly for the lvlin-guide I'm currently using. It has become just perfect for this purpose. At the moment I must copyNpaste every single item into checklist2. An import feature would save a whole lot of my time. I also plan to translate the guide into German and improve it a bit more at some points, s...
File: Checklist202-27-08
Your last update was awsome great!
Posted By: Lunos
Hey there ^^ I couldn't live without your addon anymore ;) It has become as essential as cartographer to me. I use it also as a notepad to store and remember the cartographer chat commands ("/note xx,yy text" "/qnote" "tloc xx,yy") and the gear I found on other people, which I want to wear later on too. I'll post a screen soon so...
File: Checklist202-23-08
Tooltip wrap
Posted By: Lunos
Thanks a lot ^^ this thing becomes better and better =D Here's my 2nd request: Could you add the auto wrap feature also to the tooltip list? (the list that pops up when I hover my mouse over the Checklist2-Icon) Or just make it happen by deleting something like you did before xD When I put this far long memo into the List the t...
File: Checklist202-18-08
extend the maximum of the allowed digits
Posted By: Lunos
Hello there ^^ I love your mod. Actually I'm using it for my lvl guide and it works just great for this purpose. The only Problem is, the maximum of the allowed digits is too low. Is there a way by editing the core.lua to fix this? Or is it possible to include an automatic word wrapping / line break function? Thanks for develo...