Results: 5Comments by: ramcharger
File: Diablo 3 dynamic Orbs11-09-08
health color
Posted By: ramcharger
hey i love this mod and have been adding it into a super pack of mine but the only thing i want to change about it is the health orb color? what line of code do i alter and how do i alter it to make it apear green like in roth's mod pack.? i didnt like his mod bars cause of all the extra junk with the targeting frames and such cl...
File: oUF_Diablo11-08-08
Re: Re: Re: Re: target
Posted By: ramcharger
Originally posted by zork Thats because you did only 50% of what I wrote. I wrote you need to comment out the _castbars_ and the spawns you don't want otherwise you will get a lua error. Lua errors are hidden by default you need to activate the error messages under your interface options ingame. Comment out the castbars and the tar...
File: oUF_Diablo11-08-08
Re: Re: target
Posted By: ramcharger
Originally posted by zork Ok. Read the information page please. All you need is described there. You will need new castbars too since the castbars are bound to the target frame. Comment out all the spawns you don't like and comment out the castbars aswell. Otherwise you will get an error. Activate "show lua errors" in your inter...
File: oUF_Diablo11-08-08
Posted By: ramcharger thats your sample pick...the targeting bar right under the warlock but above the hotbars....i want that thing gone. so i can sub it in with a new targeting frame. i jsut basicly want to keep the orbs and every thing but ditch the targeting frame.
File: oUF_Diablo11-08-08
target bar
Posted By: ramcharger
hey im haveing issues with the target bar. i love the orbs maps and party tabs but HATE the targeting bar. that sits right above the hot bars. i can move it were id like to and it jsut dosent look all that great to me. and since it scales with the orbs its way to big and dosent fit correctly with the orbs. id like it to ether be mov...