Results: 14Comments by: Darkmojo
File: Zera UI07-30-24
SUF Error
Posted By: Darkmojo
Getting SUF error for "GetWatchedFactionInfo"
File: Zera UI01-22-24
DBM Sounds
Posted By: Darkmojo
What is keeping DBM from making any sounds?
File: Zera UI04-20-23
Posted By: Darkmojo
After details last update, your profile isn't properly.
File: Zera UI01-30-22
Good to go?
Posted By: Darkmojo
Is this version still legit from October?
File: Greyroom UI10-30-20
Go to the youtube site and most of...
Posted By: Darkmojo
Go to the youtube site and most of your answers will most likely be answered. I'm surprised he has uploaded this as he doesn't usually do that. I did. He didn't say anything in the video. I am glad he released it, it looks amazing.
File: Greyroom UI10-30-20
UI layout
Posted By: Darkmojo
Applying most of your profiles, I get almost nothing to show up like yours looks. Do you plan to add an install guide? The chat backgrounds are not correct, The Details background isnt large enough to house all 3 windows. Right now thats the biggest problems I am having.
File: Greyroom UI10-30-20
Chat Windows
Posted By: Darkmojo
I am having issues getting the chat backgrounds to be the size of the chat window and details windows. How do I fix that?
File: Zera UI10-25-20
Re: Re: Re: Unit Frames
Posted By: Darkmojo
Figured it out. I didnt load profile for SuF I am getting a small different colored square on my unit frames. Do you know what is causing that? Not sure offhand, can you send a screenshot? Also I just uploaded a new version, try using that and let me know if the square still appears or not. Thi...
File: Zera UI10-25-20
Re: Re: Unit Frames
Posted By: Darkmojo
I am getting a small different colored square on my unit frames. Do you know what is causing that? Not sure offhand, can you send a screenshot? Also I just uploaded a new version, try using that and let me know if the square still appears or not. This is with the new build too. Not sure what is caus...
File: Zera UI10-18-20
Unit Frames
Posted By: Darkmojo
I am getting a small different colored square on my unit frames. Do you know what is causing that?
File: KkthnxUI09-30-20
im just getting wierd lua error aft...
Posted By: Darkmojo
im just getting wierd lua error after copy folders and start the game :confused::confused: No lua error here but it loads nothing
File: Abraa UI V5.303-20-19
You continuing your UI?
Posted By: Darkmojo
File: Abraa UI V5.302-22-19
Posted By: Darkmojo
I really wanna try this UI but no matter what i do i cannot get it to unpack. can you fix this please Hey. I am having the same issue. He listed the warning, but I knew how to read and tried that. Even though, its changing the name on our computer its not changing the name in the properties, as if its admin only. I love his UI and...
File: Abraa UI V5.302-11-19
Can't Download!
Posted By: Darkmojo
Yes please fix! It won't unzip! Getting corrupt file message!