Results: 4Comments by: Growler
File: SuperVillain UI07-24-16
Thank you very much! It's as beauti...
Posted By: Growler
Thank you very much! It's as beautiful as always :D
File: Supervillain UI (Classic)02-14-15
This may be a stupid question but I...
Posted By: Growler
This may be a stupid question but I havent been able to figure it out. How can I add a 3rd line of buttons at the bottom?
File: Finalflo UI07-21-10
Hi FInalflo, I downloaded the la...
Posted By: Growler
Hi FInalflo, I downloaded the latest comp (4.1.1) and followed the install. Everything goes smooth apart from the bars are all out of scale and in the wrong place. I run a 1680x1050 rez and it appears it is trying to set my bars for a wider screen (possibly 1920x1080?) Any suggestions, I know I can move them manually, and I...
File: GrimUI01-11-10
Clean install, no extra addons, no...
Posted By: Growler
Clean install, no extra addons, no WTF Macbook Pro, 1440x900. Game loaded, reload button hit & this is my result. (out of date enabled)