Results: 3Comments by: Gendo
File: oUF_Freeb09-20-10
Posted By: Gendo
Im having some problems with focus / focus target frames, well actually i cant get em to work at all, could FreebGrid disable it or some else addon? If anybody is having / have had this problem would be nice to know how to fix it ! :D Been trying to find from the .lua that section (is it even there?) with bad luck : / N Btw, l...
File: oUF_Nivea08-17-10
Posted By: Gendo
Xp bar and Threat plugin support would be amazing. Same as with the name moving. but hey, that's just me =). Thanks for this Ouf, it's great ! :banana: Right, 1 more. How can i change my pet's name on the bar, it's showing "spider" now.
File: ChronoBars06-07-10
Moonkin / Druid
Posted By: Gendo
Im loving this..untill. Is there anyway that i can get this addon to show Insect Swarm / moonfire / Faerie fire ? I've been looking and looking those spell id's but non of them works, and i really mean NON, nor the names of the spell's, or even the improved glyphs, that i have found. So if there is anyone out there that can give me t...