Results: 2Comments by: amber1019
File: Reputation Bars10-21-18
Error When Selecting Factions For StaticBars
Posted By: amber1019
11x ReputationBars\Modules\StaticBars.lua:157: attempt to index local 'faction1' (a number value) ReputationBars\Modules\StaticBars.lua:157: in function : ? ...rfaceRarity\Libs\LibBars-1.0\LibBars-1.0-90024.lua:845: in function `SortBars' ...rfaceRarity\Libs\LibBars-1.0\LibBars-1.0-9002...
File: InFlight10-03-18
Busy, Can't Use Ferry?
Posted By: amber1019
I haven't been receiving any bugs, but when I try to use a ferry, I get an error message saying I'm busy and can't use the taxi service. And then the InFlight timer gets stuck on my screen. I have to /reload to get rid of it. (Would it be possible to add something, like some kind of vehicle check, that will remove the timer from the...