Results: 3Comments by: VrmVrm
File: Bartender301-01-07
Bars Ok but
Posted By: VrmVrm
I'm a druid, no problems here on stance/form changing at all. Thanks for a great addon! It works great for the G15 keyboard we have! Ooh, in relation to the G15 - it would be SOOOO nice if we could "custom-label" each button so that the G1-bound key would say "G1" not "S-T", it's bound keystroke. Thx again...
File: Automaton12-26-06
Re: Re: LOVE it
Posted By: VrmVrm
Originally posted by wobbles I actually removed that module from the svn shortly after putting it up, since in an incomplete state as it was these sorts of annoyances are a bit much :) I'll have it added again soon with these issues resolved. Thanks! I hope you don't discard the "whine" module; I find it quite helpful Thanks a...
File: Automaton12-25-06
Posted By: VrmVrm
Problem - when my druid goes into bear or cat form, he has no "energy" or "rage" and the OOM whine gets to be a bit much. Can that be an option to enable disable if in a shapeshift form? Otherwise, SO MUCH HELP I thank you!