Results: 5Comments by: Debose
File: GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler08-28-16
Re: Re: GS-E not reading myMacros
Posted By: Debose
Have no clue why, but the myMacro folder is not being read/checked for macros. Removed , reinstalled GS-E. Had removed myMacros also. Replaced myMacros. Restarted game. No Luck. Grabbed the macros out of myMacros and added to GS-DraikMacros in proper class.lua. Worked. So as a work-around I will do it but, hope it will...
File: GSE: Advanced Macro Compiler08-21-16
GS-E not reading myMacros
Posted By: Debose
Have no clue why, but the myMacro folder is not being read/checked for macros. Removed , reinstalled GS-E. Had removed myMacros also. Replaced myMacros. Restarted game. No Luck. Grabbed the macros out of myMacros and added to GS-DraikMacros in proper class.lua. Worked. So as a work-around I will do it but, hope it will...
File: TotemTimers01-03-11
Conditional Hide / Show
Posted By: Debose
Is there a possibility of incorporating a conditional visibility on the buttons, timers, etc. That or conditional click-through would accomplish same purpose. Bartender 4 has a Custom Conditional setup on the visibility tab, which works quite well.
File: LightHeaded05-03-09
Back to Start {HOME} Button
Posted By: Debose
Don't figure it would be all that hard, but when deep into a 40 page comment section, HOME would be nice. And just let me say... Thank You for this mod. How many times that I've been able to point others to it and save myself hours with those people, when all I'd be doing is repeating the comments. Love this mod Is there...
File: Dash03-09-08
Nice Addon - plz make the alpha adjustable
Posted By: Debose
This does what I want in quite a few ways... Thanks for the addon. Even though I will not be able to use it effectively till the shading is adjustable or removable (my LCD just don't cut it at this point), I'm still using it. Multiple dashs sound interesting, how will the actual selection handled? Would it be mouseover-corner-of...