Results: 42Comments by: Prindarla
File: Discord Unit Frames06-02-24
Party pets playing dead
Posted By: Prindarla
Noticed the other day that party pets occasionaly register as Dead when they are not. Not had a chance to investigate the circumstances yet though.
File: Discord Unit Frames Beta [Dragonflight]10-11-22
Cast bars
Posted By: Prindarla
Is it possible to have a text variable for the spell the target is casting?
File: Discord Unit Frames Beta [Dragonflight]10-11-22
Library out of date
Posted By: Prindarla
In the Beta 5 update the addon cannot be loaded: You need to install the latest version of Discord Library
File: Discord Unit Frames09-12-22
Re: Re: Ptr: new interface layout
Posted By: Prindarla
since the original vanilla and Discord is that old. I've been using Discord since then, good to know you are working on keeping it running no mater what blizz change. Prindarla
File: Discord Unit Frames09-11-22
Ptr: new interface layout
Posted By: Prindarla
The ptr now has the new interface layout and it's throwing errors. after updating to the latest version 9.2.3 it still didn't like the addon. Initial errors: XML Unrecognized XML: Layer Unrecognized XML attribute: level Unrecognized XML: FontString Unrecognized XML attribute: name Unrecognized XML attribute: parentKey Unre...
File: Discord Unit Frames06-20-21
Re: Re: Re: The $pf variable
Posted By: Prindarla
Thanks Fizzlemizz, It's working now. I like the new variable layout too. Prindarla
File: Discord Unit Frames06-18-21
Re: Re: The $pf variable
Posted By: Prindarla
"set hidden (no text)" To me these a two could mean a couple of different things. Can you supply the text string you are using "Text $pf" and "Hide if No text or Text is % (0)" Is this on PVP realms, Normal or both? It's a normal realm, I'm not currently running a pvp realm but I've never noticed a problem with it there before...
File: Discord Unit Frames06-17-21
The $pf variable
Posted By: Prindarla
The pvp timer variable only shows on zone change or reload rather than immediately when set hidden (no text) and you get flagged pvp. The bugs been in there for a long time but with classic it's annoying again when you buff random people and are suddenly pvp and have no clue how long it's going to last.
File: Discord Unit Frames06-14-21
Thanks for the quick fix.
Posted By: Prindarla
Thanks for the quick fix.
File: Discord Unit Frames06-14-21
Re: Re: Re: Re: Boss Frames
Posted By: Prindarla
Optical illusiuon. Because of placement, my brain wasn't separating boss from party frames. Should be fixed in 9.0.11. :cool: I love a good optical illusion. It seemed better than having a slider that "did nothing" while the frame wasn't shown. One of those "no perfect answer I could come up with at the time" situations. The f...
File: Discord Unit Frames06-14-21
Re: Re: Boss Frames
Posted By: Prindarla
Which version isn't showing boss frames options? I'll take a look in a bit but I would expect the Boss options tab not to show for TBC and Classic Era as they didn't/shouldn't exist in those versions (although I would expect the frames not to show either when the options are opened). Edit: I've just done a quick run around the cli...
File: Discord Unit Frames06-14-21
Boss Frames
Posted By: Prindarla
Boss frames appear when activating the options panel but I have no tab to update the settings. Would it be possible to have the option to scale the text variables frame or adjust the text size, there are a lot more variables than when the addon first started. Maybe have the option to display in three columns rather than two.
File: Discord Unit Frames06-06-21
Incorrect display of Phased icon
Posted By: Prindarla
Since the last update everything is registering as phased on all frames except party and Self. If I target myself the self frame shows not-phased but the target frame shows phased. The phased variable has the same result.
File: Discord Unit Frames Beta [Dragonflight]08-30-20
UnitInPhase Error
Posted By: Prindarla
Using the Default UI set there was no error but as soon as I selected my saved UI set from retail I had this error. Traced the problem to the $ph variable, once I removed that it worked. 1x DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_Variables.lua:1495: attempt to call global 'UnitInPhase' (a nil value) :1495: in function `func' :266: in function...
File: Discord Unit Frames04-15-17
Thanks for the fix Fizzlemizz I fou...
Posted By: Prindarla
Thanks for the fix Fizzlemizz I found a few more though $rm is missing formatting $cz throws errors when player is priest for some reason when the $cz is throwing errors just removing it from the text box isn't enough, you need to close the DUF configuration frame before the error will stop pinging
File: Discord Unit Frames04-14-17
Found some bugs
Posted By: Prindarla
Been poking around for some new layouts and so far I've found a few broken bits. Artefact variables are causing errors $rx druid variable doesn't actually do anything there are no formatting break variables for 'real' druid mana Would be handy if we could have the option of a second xp type bar on the player frame for trackin...
File: Discord Unit Frames02-06-17
Re: Re: PTR patch 7.2
Posted By: Prindarla
Appears to be a problem on the test realm looks like they changed something again. Hi Prindarla, They've chaned a few things and I'm working on it. If you like I can put up a Beta page when I'm done, possibly later today? That would be great, I'll be on the PTR for the next patch so I'll keep an eye out for anything else
File: Discord Unit Frames02-06-17
PTR patch 7.2
Posted By: Prindarla
Appears to be a problem on the test realm looks like they changed something again. Message: ...nterface\AddOns\DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_StatusBars.lua:8: attempt to compare nil with number Count: 4821 Stack: ...nterface\AddOns\DiscordUnitFrames\DUF_StatusBars.lua:8: in function `StatusBar_SetValue' ...nterface\AddOns\DiscordUnit...
File: Discord Unit Frames07-31-15
Re: Bodyguards
Posted By: Prindarla
Thanks for looking into it, I much prefer to use DUF for unit frames. I believe Body Guards are classed as guardians which also don't have a frame anywhere from what I can see. Prindarla
File: Discord Unit Frames07-31-15
Posted By: Prindarla
Is it possible to have bodyguards added, they don't appear to fit in any of the current frames? Prindarla
File: Discord Unit Frames11-17-14
The duration text will only show if...
Posted By: Prindarla
The duration text will only show if the button has an actual active enchant, it doesn't get any update information with just the dummy icon. As to why the middle button first? Ask Blizzard, like the Boss frames they decide which one(s) to use in which order for which fight. I might be able to re-arrange them but I've never looked int...
File: Discord Unit Frames11-16-14
You can adjust the duration X/Y off...
Posted By: Prindarla
You can adjust the duration X/Y offset to place the text below the icon. Even though it looks like it is the text for another icon it actually isn't. The text is a child of the temp. enchant icon button so when it hides, the text automatically hides. In this case when you close the options window, the icon and the text are still visi...
File: Discord Unit Frames11-15-14
Now that Shammy weapon enchants are...
Posted By: Prindarla
Now that Shammy weapon enchants aren't TE, what are you using? Fishing lures of course
File: Discord Unit Frames11-15-14
Temporary enchants: Something is a...
Posted By: Prindarla
Temporary enchants: Something is a little off, if you have these spaced vertically the first enchant is going in the middle slot but the duration is going in the top slot.
File: Discord Unit Frames10-29-14
I've noticed that the party frames...
Posted By: Prindarla
I've noticed that the party frames don't always update with context colour.