Results: 17Comments by: Big Daddy Samedi
File: Mounty #TLV08-04-24
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
Firstly I would like to say great addon! I was wondering if it would be posible to put in checks for travel forms. Ie. Indoors would use forms that can be used there like cat form for druids, etc. Also maybe if you are moving it could use instant cast forms like the before mentioned travel forms similar to how Smartmount used to...
File: Yulu UI (2560x1440)06-04-22
I am using it fine in 4k with no is...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
I am using it fine in 4k with no issues... just need to be the screen ratio...
File: Yulu UI (2560x1440)05-28-22
And thank YOU for looking in to it,...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
And thank YOU for looking in to it, as well as making this UI. TBH I love it. So thank you for the UI, and for maintaining it :) Can you join your channels when you entering e.g. /join General ? If yes I think its a localization issue like you already thougt about. The memory module of Prat is set up so that it restores my c...
File: Yulu UI (2560x1440)05-27-22
And thank YOU for looking in to it,...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
And thank YOU for looking in to it, as well as making this UI. TBH I love it. So thank you for the UI, and for maintaining it :)
File: Yulu UI (2560x1440)05-27-22
There appears to be a problem joini...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
There appears to be a problem joining Blizzard channels.... at least for me. Invalid channel name Invalid channel name Invalid channel name Is this a localization issue? Or is there any method you know of to fix this?
File: sInterface05-23-22
I have gone through and fixed the T...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
I have gone through and fixed the Tooltip code, also working on fixing the progress bars... everything else works fine, but it might require a full re-write. For now disabling the azerite.lua file fixes and leave all the other bars alone. Updated! I fixed the tooltips, here's the commit. I disabled the azerite bar because I...
File: sInterface05-20-22
I was wondering if you are planning...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
I was wondering if you are planning to update this to current versions..... and if not are you alright with someone taking it and updating? There are some issues with tooltips and Azerite progress bar. I am currently working on fixes for them but would love it if you had an official update. I really do love this minimalist masterp...
File: sInterface05-20-22
I was wondering if you are planning...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
I was wondering if you are planning to update this to current versions..... and if not are you alright with someone taking it and updating? There are some issues with tooltips and Azerite progress bar. I am currently working on fixes for them but would love it if you had an official update. I really do love this minimalist masterp...
File: SlimUI10-14-20
Re: resolution
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
Hi, what resolution is using in this UI? could make available in 1920x1080:banana: It is in 1920 x 1080.
File: SlimUI10-14-20
For anyone trying, I'm searching fo...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
For anyone trying, I'm searching for a couple of addon's to replace ones that broke, but no unit frames right now do what I want exactly. So the most recent release is broken. Just gotta make some decisions on how I want to fix it. Also just so you are aware -\WTF\Account\GRIDDARK\Account\LOGINNAME\SERVER\ This i...
File: MelloUI v1.0110-15-18
Re: Re: White Box
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
My target frame is always a solid, white box with no portrait even though it is enabled. Is there a fix? Also happens with raid frames, such as BGs and groups. This version is a bit outdated now, im currently doing a Massive Update to the overall UI, you can join the discord channel to get the info what im currently working on...
File: FabUI - a Classic RPG UI10-12-18
Is this UI still being maintained?
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
Is this UI still being maintained?
File: LolzenUI10-09-18
No need to apologize, I am sure onc...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
No need to apologize, I am sure once I start on my module for LolzenUI I will make similar mistakes.
File: LolzenUI10-09-18
I see you work quick, original issu...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
I see you work quick, original issue is fixed however now I get the error shown below. I will continue to test and see if I can break anything else lol. :) 2x LolzenUI\modules/worldmap/worldmap.lua:28: attempt to index field 'NineSlice' (a nil value) LolzenUI\modules/worldmap/worldmap.lua:28: in function
File: 2 UI10-08-18
Well, I have been looking over the...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
Well, I have been looking over the UI and I really do like the way a lot of this is setup. Just to help some people out... The settings tabs are as follows. General - Nameplates - Settings - Integration (?) - Actions Bar 我想帮你制作英文版。非常感&...
File: LolzenUI10-07-18
I have noticed an odd issue that I...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
I have noticed an odd issue that I thought I would mention.. When I maximize the world map I occasionally get a black screen, with no other addons I can see the screen but as soon as I minimize it breaks. It turns out that it is the World Map module. I no longer have this problem if I disable that module.
File: LolzenUI09-28-18
Just wanted to thank you for sharin...
Posted By: Big Daddy Samedi
Just wanted to thank you for sharing your personal UI. I really like this and is what I have been looking for, for a long time.