Results: 2Comments by: kornshock
File: Kith's UI (Elv UI)10-16-09
Hi, Thanks for great addon compilat...
Posted By: kornshock
Hi, Thanks for great addon compilation. Actually this question has nothing to do with your compilation;:o I'm just wondering the font name which is used on the 'Addon Info' tab. I mean the text "Skepsis Raid UI AFTERMATH MAL'Ganis.Horde" on the 'Addon info' tab If you don't mind, could you please tell me that font nam...
File: PhanxChat04-27-09
achievement messages' error!
Posted By: kornshock
Hi, this is a Korean fan of your addon. I think Phanx chat is the most attractive addon for chat mode! (sorry for my poor English T_T) Um..anyway I found an error with achievement messages after 3.1 patch. (Of course, I have already installed the newest version.) The error is like this. When someone(nearby characters or...