Results: 2Comments by: EloosiveDrood
File: SuperVillain UI11-06-16
Re: update 01/11
Posted By: EloosiveDrood
Hi folks Just a quick message to let you know we are aware of these issues and are working to fix them. Turns out Blizzard's "minor UI changes" in 7.1 are a bit more extensive than expected. :) Munglunch is having bad computer problems while I've been battling a bad cold for the last week so we've not been able to give the i...
File: SuperVillain UI11-04-16
Nameplates question
Posted By: EloosiveDrood
I only see one debuff on enemy nameplates - Flame Shock. How do I add more that will appear? Can't find those settings anywhere. All I see are the unitframe options. Under Nameplates there's no list I can change.