Results: 8Comments by: jemoreno
File: SuperVillain UI10-29-16
Mac Issue
Posted By: jemoreno
Getting the following message when I login to WoW. SKINS : @(10/29/16 08:52:00) - ...ace\AddOns\SVUI_Skins\components\blizzard\system.lua:591: attempt to index local 'MacOptionsFrame' (a nil value) and when I tab out and in I get the following: Core : @(10/29/16 08:53:43) - Interface\AddOns\SVUI_!Core\system\api.lua:1481: at...
File: SuperVillain UI09-19-16
any update would be good
Posted By: jemoreno
With raids opening up tomorrow, I need to get my UI in order. I just want to know one way or the other if development will continue on SVUI.
File: SuperVillain UI08-17-16
There might be a fix..But some of u...
Posted By: jemoreno
There might be a fix..But some of us do not know how to edit what needs to be edited...If someone could just throw up a file link to the temp fix that would probly work better. If you can edit a comment on this forum you can edit what needs to be edited, or you can patiently wait for Mung to post an official patch. Could you point m...
File: SuperVillain UI08-17-16
There might be a fix..But some of u...
Posted By: jemoreno
There might be a fix..But some of us do not know how to edit what needs to be edited...If someone could just throw up a file link to the temp fix that would probly work better. If you can edit a comment on this forum you can edit what needs to be edited, or you can patiently wait for Mung to post an official patch.
File: SuperVillain UI08-10-16
Re: not a solution, but a bandaid
Posted By: jemoreno
To get SVUI to work for my DH I made the following changes: copy /SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/warrior.lua to /SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/demonhunter.lua edit /SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/demonhunter.lua @ line 26 if(SV.class ~= "DEMONHUNTER") then return end edit /SVUI_UnitFrames/SVUI_UnitFrames.xml @ line 1...
File: SuperVillain UI08-10-16
not a solution, but a bandaid
Posted By: jemoreno
To get SVUI to work for my DH I made the following changes: copy /SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/warrior.lua to /SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/demonhunter.lua edit /SVUI_UnitFrames/class_resources/demonhunter.lua @ line 26 if(SV.class ~= "DEMONHUNTER") then return end edit /SVUI_UnitFrames/SVUI_UnitFrames.xml @ line 1...
File: SuperVillain UI03-26-16
This update fixed several things fo...
Posted By: jemoreno
This update fixed several things for me, mainly parts of the interface not being skinned. However, the friend list still has issues :( But otherwise, everything is good ! I'm sure this has everything to do with the fact that Blizzard just released a new framework for Battle.Net. Give it some time and I'm certain it will get add...
File: SuperVillain UI07-02-15
Dock Scrolling
Posted By: jemoreno
Before the most recent SVUI patch I was able to scroll through chat and quest docked frames, now I cannot. Is there a new setting or is it a bug?