Results: 5Comments by: Deceptitech
File: SuperVillain UI10-29-16
An error..
Posted By: Deceptitech
When i move from spot to spot, I get this error. SKINS : @(10/29/16 20:58:56) - ...face\AddOns\SVUI_Skins\components\blizzard\guild.lua:485: attempt to call method 'RemoveTextures' (a nil value) Is there something I can do to fix it?
File: SuperVillain UI07-24-16
Posted By: Deceptitech Thank you! I have been using your addon suite since I saw it(comic book fan, and villain aficionado) and haven't stopped using it. I must say, no addon suite is as comprehensive as yours.
File: SuperVillain UI07-24-16
waiting... waiting..
Posted By: Deceptitech
Come on admins, authorize the damned file!
File: SuperVillain UI07-23-16
Re: Update!!!!
Posted By: Deceptitech
Update the UI pls :) We must all have patience. When it is done, it is done. Going bonkers myself waiting, but as a wise man says. "Your patience will be rewarded."
File: SuperVillain UI06-03-15
Font issue
Posted By: Deceptitech
I am trying to get my font in the chat and general tabs to get larger. It stays at 12, and I can't bump it to 16. I have removed SVUI, as well as redid all my addons. However, it refuses to allow me to adjust the font in the chat sections. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.