Results: 2Comments by: coolhots
File: SuperVillain UI08-03-15
Re: Re: Group finder not working properly after last update
Posted By: coolhots
Reload your UI and you'll be able to see the other categories again. This is a known taint issue. I thought that as well, but a reload does not correct this issue. I had tried many attempts before posting. So I did the "turn-off all add-ons but SVUI and add them one at a time" routine. Turns out it was Weak Auras causing t...
File: SuperVillain UI08-02-15
Group finder not working properly after last update
Posted By: coolhots
Hello! After the last update the group finder is not working correctly. Under Premade groups it will only show Questing and no other options. Worked fine prior to this upgrade. Also noticed that in the Adventure Guide in the Raids Tab I can only click on the Draenor option and no other. And while in a raid I cannot see the individ...