Results: 4Comments by: sKullsen
File: Altz UI02-25-21
First of all, best UI out there :)...
Posted By: sKullsen
First of all, best UI out there :) I love the alpha gradient design. But sadly I am experiencing bad performance in raids, I get stalls whenever someone joins or leaves a raid, and overall time spent in the UI is much higher than with FreeUI or NDui for example. Not sure what is causing it.
File: Altz UI01-27-21
Sorting of raidframes
Posted By: sKullsen
I can't get the sorting of the raid frames to work. Sorting by role doesn't seem to be doing anything (Healer layout). Is this a known issue?
File: Andromeda02-15-17
Did anyone get DBM to work looking...
Posted By: sKullsen
Did anyone get DBM to work looking the same way as in the screenshots? My icon size seems to be off. Figured it out, the DBM bars were off when dragging them into place, but would work properly after.
File: Pawn02-09-11
improvement suggestion
Posted By: sKullsen
It would be nice, if we could set our weights to change after hitting softcaps for example, and have support for hardcaps too, where the rating will be 0 beyond that value. Overall a great addon, using it since ages ;)