Results: 9Comments by: N30
File: Clean Icons - Thin (
Hero Talent icon NYI?
Posted By: N30
Hero Talent icon NYI?
File: Dominos Beta08-16-12
Message: Interface\FrameXML\ActionB...
Posted By: N30
Message: Interface\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:514: Usage: GetActionTexture(slot) Time: 08/16/12 11:55:06 Count: 1 Stack: : in function `GetActionTexture' Interface\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:514: in function `ActionButton_OnEvent' Interface\FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:124: in function Loc...
File: Dominos Beta08-07-12
after last bulid domino cause game...
Posted By: N30
after last bulid domino cause game crash on logging out/exiting
File: GladiatorlosSA07-15-12
live this is MoP beta only versi...
Posted By: N30
live this is MoP beta only version ;) it wont work on live cause it gonna call spell that are present only in MoP ;)
File: GladiatorlosSA07-15-12
Re: Error
Posted By: N30
Got this error when I tried to open the config. Message: Interface\AddOns\GladiatorlosSA\GladiatorlosSA.lua:191: attempt to concatenate local 'spellname' (a nil value) Time: 07/14/12 18:03:44 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\GladiatorlosSA\GladiatorlosSA.lua:191: in function
File: TotemTimers 11.0 MoP Beta07-10-12
new error Message: Interface\Add...
Posted By: N30
new error Message: Interface\AddOns\TotemTimers\Range.lua:54: attempt to compare number with nil Time: 07/10/12 12:29:51 Count: 337 Stack: Interface\AddOns\TotemTimers\Range.lua:54: in function Interface\AddOns\TotemTimers\Range.lua:100: in function
File: TotemTimers 11.0 MoP Beta07-09-12
get those error with the beta versi...
Posted By: N30
get those error with the beta version Are you using it with WoW Mists beta or trying this on live?... beta obvious.....
File: TotemTimers 11.0 MoP Beta07-09-12
get those error with the beta versi...
Posted By: N30
get those error with the beta version on loading game Message: ...rid\Libs\AceConfigDialog-3.0\AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1803: AceConfigRegistry-3.0:ValidateOptionsTable(): expected a string or funcref, got 'nil' Time: 07/09/12 10:00:24 Count: 1 Stack: : ? ...Libs\AceConfigRegistry-3.0...
File: Shadowed Unit Frames07-03-12
i wonna report 3 "problem" occurred...
Posted By: N30
i wonna report 3 "problem" occurred on beta with the alpha releas 1) Player 3d portrait wont show up in either bar or normal mode 2) Player bar not scaling with target bar eaven with same HP bars and Power Bars setting 3) as shaman Totem Bar won't work i cheked it the space been generated on player bar but when i drop totem...