Results: 2Comments by: phoenixtrials
File: Broker_Equipment06-27-09
Simple? request.
Posted By: phoenixtrials
Hi p3lim, I'd really like to see a helm and cloak display toggle per set, it's really the only thing holding me back from switching (replacing ItemRack). A cosmetic change, I know! But I play on an RP realm, I have over eight sets and I rely on a feature like this. ^_^
File: WinterTime06-13-09
Thanks, and achievements.
Posted By: phoenixtrials
Hi Mejina, Thank you for this addon, and maintaining it. I've tested most of the WG timers and this was the one that I kept, thanks to it's minimalistic, non-intrusive design. Though, the last update added these fake achievements that one can't even switch off, it's quite embarassing to have guild chat and an emote spammed with a...