Results: 3Comments by: erispope
File: Theorycraft Classic [Quickfix]09-22-19
I found a fix for the tooltip but i...
Posted By: erispope
I found a fix for the tooltip but it has side effects (available as a pull request and on my fork). I think the display and calculation part should be split up further, which is what I'll do going forward. Not entirely sure the whole equipment scanning part can be cut out, will have to check into what is available from Blizzard fu...
File: AutoCarrot09-19-19
One patch to help with functionalit...
Posted By: erispope
One patch to help with functionality and a few suggestions: f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() if(not AutoCarrotDB.enabled) then return end ... change into ... f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function() if(not AutoCarrotDB.enabled or InCombatLockdown()) then return end Suggestions: check both trinket slots for carrot st...
File: SmartBuff (Classic)09-03-19
Two requests: #1. Would it be po...
Posted By: erispope
Two requests: #1. Would it be possible for you to use LibClassicDurations, if it is available? In order to do so, simply replace the entire function UnitAuraBySpellName(target,spellname,filter) with the code snippet below: local LCD = LibStub and LibStub("LibClassicDurations") if LCD then LCD:Register("SmartBuff") end -- tel...