Results: 4Comments by: Happymeal
File: Mono UI08-23-10
Is it possible to change so instead...
Posted By: Happymeal
Is it possible to change so instead of always rolling disenchant (if possible) on greens i can chose what to roll myself? m_Tweaks/Settings.lua local autorollgreens = true change it to false
File: Mono UI08-07-10
Hi Mono, i have one question. How i...
Posted By: Happymeal
Hi Mono, i have one question. How i can move the petframe, directly under the player frame?
File: Mono UI05-19-10
dps under skada
Posted By: Happymeal
how i can get the dps number's on the Bottom Right ?:rolleyes:
File: LUI v221104-24-10
Originally posted by Ellen-Maree...
Posted By: Happymeal
Originally posted by Ellen-Maree Seriously.. half of you should just stop posting. The main reason the decent of us come here is for Loui's posts about the upcoming v3. Not to read through the constant barrage of bullshit and whinging about release dates. No one gives a shit if you're not happy with not having it at this moment...