Results: 13Comments by: Dave B
File: gmProf08-16-24
not sure if this is still maintaine...
Posted By: Dave B
not sure if this is still maintained but the latest patches 11.0.2 broke the left/right click options :(
File: Stuf Unit Frames (and Raid)07-04-24
stuf cata 44 fix
Posted By: Dave B
stuf cata 44 fix This got my hopes up but alas is only a fix for classic, I don't suppose you play retail and know your way around the code better than I do, do you? I've tried to repair it but this one has me beat :(
File: Stuf Unit Frames (and Raid)05-09-24
I don't think this is maintained an...
Posted By: Dave B
I don't think this is maintained any more, I've got a butt-load of errors too but no sign of anyone looking after it which is a shame :(
File: SLDataText12-08-22
Re: Re: SLDT and mail
Posted By: Dave B
Hiya, thanks for keeping this alive, been using it for years! I do have a bit of a bug; when this is enabled, opening the mailbox results in it closing instantly, and when trying to retreive a lrage number of mails it closes after each item, any ideas? That bug was reported earlier and fixed. Have you tried the latest release?...
File: SLDataText12-05-22
SLDT and mail
Posted By: Dave B
Hiya, thanks for keeping this alive, been using it for years! I do have a bit of a bug; when this is enabled, opening the mailbox results in it closing instantly, and when trying to retreive a lrage number of mails it closes after each item, any ideas?
File: gmFonts11-19-22
Accessing config?
Posted By: Dave B
Hi, new to the addon, how do you actually access config for it???
File: Stuf Unit Frames (and Raid)11-19-22
Fantastic, now working for me!!! th...
Posted By: Dave B
Fantastic, now working for me!!! thank you so much, Dessyna!!!
File: SLDataText10-16-20
Re: Tweaking
Posted By: Dave B
its going to require a bit of tweaking before i reupload with fixed friend module it will be later tonight You're a legend mate, thank you for sorting it!!! SLDT has been one of my core addons for as long as I can remember, my LUA skills couldn't sort it, so thank you!!!
File: Broker: GG-SocialState10-15-20
Any chance of fixes / updates for 9...
Posted By: Dave B
Any chance of fixes / updates for 9.01?????
File: Ara Broker Guild Friends10-15-20
I liked this addon better when it w...
Posted By: Dave B
I liked this addon better when it was one broker feed :( Thanks for fixing it tho!
File: SLDataText08-12-18
trying to figure out how to have on...
Posted By: Dave B
trying to figure out how to have only one, default profile. Every time I log a new toon, it has a profile added, but as it's the same layout across all my characters I only want/need a single profile. Any ideas??
File: QuestGuru07-25-18
I have the damndest issue with this...
Posted By: Dave B
I have the damndest issue with this now... When it's enabled, the quest log keybind stops working despite being set correctly. Disable only QG, and it works again >< #mumblegrumble :)
File: Broker_ClassHall07-21-18
I've hashed this to get it working!...
Posted By: Dave B
I've hashed this to get it working! If you comment out lines 101-107, and also line 121 the addon works, but without artifact power info (useless now any way) Lines 101-107 below -- local function ShowArtifactPower(tt) -- tt:AddLine(ARTIFACT_POWER) -- tt:AddLine(strformat(ARTIFACT_POWER_TOOLTIP_TITLE, buln(artwb.totalXP),...