Results: 5Comments by: Theroxis
File: modui08-31-19
I too have the problem of color res...
Posted By: Theroxis
I too have the problem of color resetting every time on login. Changing it at the two lines it's defaulted (line 597 for the mainbar frame and 580 for the buttons) does not resolve the problem, it's almost as if the call isn't happening for some reason. I don't have time to debug it right now. Those of you with colour issues on l...
File: modui08-31-19
I too have the problem of color res...
Posted By: Theroxis
I too have the problem of color resetting every time on login. Changing it at the two lines it's defaulted (line 597 for the mainbar frame and 580 for the buttons) does not resolve the problem, it's almost as if the call isn't happening for some reason. I don't have time to debug it right now. I'd like to request compatibility wi...
File: Improved Blizzard UI08-03-18
I cant seem to get it to work on an...
Posted By: Theroxis
I cant seem to get it to work on any of my characters, I keep getting repeated LUA errors. Tried /reload but that didnt help. Is it supposed to be working with latest version? Yes, this works with Patch 8.x; what Lua errors are you getting? Also; if you transitioned from Patch 7.x to 8.x and have not deleted your WTF folder I woul...
File: Lifebloom Glow06-29-18
To solve the issue of checking the...
Posted By: Theroxis
To solve the issue of checking the buff more accurately; you can use the following type of interval based check: local Tooltip_interval=0.1 GameTooltip.TimeSinceLastUpdate=0 local function mouset_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) self.TimeSinceLastUpdate = self.TimeSinceLastUpdate + elapsed if (self.TimeSinceLastUpdate > Tooltip_int...
File: Anchor Tooltip to Mouse06-09-18
Bottom Right Anchor
Posted By: Theroxis
To achieve this is quite simple: GameTooltip:HookScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elpased) local x, y = GetCursorPosition() local effScale = self:GetEffectiveScale() self:ClearAllPoints() self:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", (x / effScale + 25), (y / effScale + -25)) This idea is completely stolen from th...